Courtney Gentry
This is the part of the website where I get to awkwardly talk about myself. I've never been good at writing bio's, but here goes the sleep-deprived, caffeine-fueled introduction to who I am as a person, and as an artist. 
Some Facts: I am originally from North Carolina, but am currently living in Nebraska. I am always up too late and up too early and never, never get enough sleep. I like glitter and houseplants and Spanish poetry. Sometimes I look for plane tickets to other countries when I'm sad, and I firmly believe everything in life is a process.
This website is one of those processes.  Just to make this portfolio I printed 200 of my favorite photographs and spent an entire Saturday afternoon sprawled out on my living room floor arranging photographs into some semblance of subject matter, style and color palate. I arranged them, eliminated over half, re-arranged and re-culled them until I had the ones you see on this website today; and the process isn't done yet.
My hope is that my photographs bring you joy and the inspiration to create your own art.
Thanks for stopping by, 
